Home of the United States Air Force Academy CrossFit Team & Club

09 November 2011

Thursday 11.10.11

"Mixed Up"

Warm up: Tabata Wall ball shots/ burpees (5 RNDs) 70%

Work Capacity:

Draw 2 Cards: First card--if black, do tabata, if red, do for reps
Second card--# of rounds, if greater than 10, then divide by 2

Draw 4 cards-- Clubs= calorie row
Hearts= thrusters (95#/65#)
Diamonds=KB swing (1.5 pd/1 pd)

# on card is # of reps if doing for reps.


Scores from the competition will be posted. If you have memories to share (photos/videos), please send them to c12lance.wu@usafa.edu or put them in my folder on the k drive under //cadet wing/group 1/CS-10/2012/wu/crossfit.

Black vs. Blue Game T-shirts for sale. First come, first serve.

They are very comfy, in fact, I wore one during the competition, except when I was trying to show off how yoked I am. All joking aside, contact MSgt Kiewicz if you are interested. $10.

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