Home of the United States Air Force Academy CrossFit Team & Club

30 January 2012



30 Burpees
40 Towel pull ups
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95 lbs Rxd)
50 Push Press (95 lbs Rxd)
80 HDLs
90 Push Ups
100 Air Squats

SFC Lance Vogeler


Time Lapse Tour of Yosemite National Park from Henry Jun Wah Lee on Vimeo.

29 January 2012


***See below about classes this week***

Five rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
20 Pull-ups
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
20 Knees to elbows

U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Joshua Desforges, 23, of Ludlow, Massachusetts, assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, was killed on May 12, 2010, while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his parents David and Arlene, and his loving sister Janelle.


We will not be having class this week because of the PFT/AFT. We will, however, still have part 2 of our Olympic lifting Seminar on Wednesday at 7:30. No heavy lifting involved, just skill transfer drills that will improve your snatch leaps and bounds.

To all of our cadets: DO WORK on the PFT...500s across the board!

28 January 2012


Rest Day

"The first wealth is health" - Thoreau


Mobility Day: 

It seems a lot of people have been having upper mobility issues lately. Range of motion=power, so take care of whatever issues through adequate rest, but improve your performance potential with some Mobility WODs that will help you improve range of motion and efficiency in performing movements.

26 January 2012


Shoulder mobility/Overhead Squat Progression/3 x 5 OHS

We will work on this next time:
AMRAP 10 Min
30 Double Unders
10 Sandbag Ground to Overhead
3-4 Rounds (not timed)
100 m Forward Band Spring
100 m Backwards Band Spring

What I'm looking for in this is leg drive. The person restraining the runner can adjust resistance by sitting down lower to increase workload on the runner. 
Hmmm...where have I seen this before? Kids these days...

25 January 2012


Choose Row/Swim/Run/Bike
8x(40on:20off) rest 3 min then 8x(40:20)

Understanding Business and Crossfit by ReebokONE


24 January 2012



All other classes see below:
Work up to max box jump

Work to 1rm Deadlift

AMRAP in 20 (10 Dumbell Squat Cleans- Run 200m)


Supplementation: Recovery and health is very important, and while we don't often talk about supplementation, it is definitely something to consider. I'm not talking about using it to replace doing the right things, but using it to augment your performance. Check this out:
The Week of Supplements
Recovery and Nutrition

And finally, a healthy dose of skepticism to keep reality in check:
Forging Elite Scarcasm

23 January 2012


Morning WOD: 0550 @ the West Gym

5 Rounds for Time

15 Pull ups
20 Box Jumps/Double Unders
25 Flutter Kicks
400M Run

Finisher: 50M Bear Crawl Sprint

Main WOD

4x800m with 1:1 work:rest interval

Mobility Work

“Somewhere a true believer is training to kill you.  He is training with minimum food and water, in austere conditions, day and night.  The only thing clean on him is his weapon.  He doesn’t worry about what workout to do — his rucksack weighs what is weighs, and he runs until the enemy stops chasing him.  The true believer doesn’t care how hard it is; he knows that he either wins or dies.  He doesn’t go home at 1700; he is home.  He only knows the cause.  Now.  Who wants to quit?” - Unknown


New Week, New Attitude, Same commitment. 
(3 Turkish get ups- 3 Pistol Squats) Every min on min for 10 min

(can also be done with a dumbell)

5x1 Back Squat

100 Thrusters #95- On the minute, every min do 5 burpees

22 January 2012


Rest Day


If you must get up and move, use today as a prep day for our Olympic Lifting Seminar on Wednesday.

Some key observations from trying to teach Olympic Lifting:

The Pull

- the bar moves vertically (not away from your body in a centripetal path)
- people have tendency to shrug the bar more than generating momentum from hip thrust
- at the apex of the lift, your hips should be fully extended, and shoulders shrugged.
- envision yourself pulling yourself under the bar as it is going up.

The Catch

- people have a tendency to receive the bar on their wrists
- Throw elbows out high and receive the bar on your shoulders by creating a shelf
- The shelf is created by throwing your elbows out to expose shoulders

Body Posture

- A good athletic position is required to receive the bar
- Feet shoulder width or slightly wider, toes pointed outward
- weight is evenly distributed, or slightly favoring the heals
- tight back, chest out as if you were trying to chest bump
- butt is back, knees have slightest bend
- you should not be leaning back. The movement should teach power and speed--the latter coming from your ability to change posture from the extended back into this athletic position with chest out

Ground Position
-feet are shoulder width apart
-back is tight and curved outward
-arms are locked out,
- center of mass is over the bar, not in front
- weight is primarily on heals
- butt is down
- bar is over 3-4 eyelet on shoes
- initial pull is not violent (gradual acceleration of bar)

-arms are not wide enough to be locked out
- weight tends to be front centric, indicates lack of overhead mobility
- need development of overhead squat stability

In general:
- lack of core acceleration of the bar, motion is not a pull of upper body, but momentum generation from core and hip extension
- Momentum, momentum, momentum. Power and speed, not a concentric/eccentric motion.
-positioning is crucial to be able to perform movements correctly!

21 January 2012


Mobility Day

Make sure you roll out your back, work Range of motion in your legs, and do MobilityWOD to ensure that your body is ready to go when the week starts. Remember, total fitness is not just about how fast you are or how much weight you put up--it's also how able you well and efficiently you are able to move!

19 January 2012


Strength: Work up to 3RM Deadlift

Work Capacity:

250 m row
25 KB swings (1.5 pood)
25 Double Unders


Sometimes, to get people to understand what we are trying to accomplish here, means we need to all follow our own dreams. This is an interesting read from my home box, in South Bend, Indiana. Nick Urankar, a competitor at the 2011 Games and part time coach at CFSB, decided that it was his dream to open up his own box, and has decided to part ways with Crossfit South Bend. Nonetheless, as you can tell from the post, CFSB supports Nick's decision to open his own box. The point I'm trying to make here is this: we can think of Crossfit in $$ and clients, WODs and times, but ultimately, that's not what it's about. We bond together for the common struggle to get through each WOD. We band together through shared adversity of things like Tough Mudders. We rejoice in our successes and support each other through our losses. Most of all, we promote the "sport of fitness" not as a exercise regimen, but as a lifestyle that far extends past the walls of the gym and never ends.

What does that mean for Falcon Crossfit? I'd like to see us come together for more community events such as getting the equipment we need and all want in our box. It means building a network of experts who know how to take care of themselves, perform intricate movements, and fuel their bodies. And above all, it means owning our gym in that we clean it, rack weights with pride because you brought it that day, and push each other to new heights in order to outfit our family with the fittest individuals who are ready to compete with anybody out there.

Have a great weekend bros and broettes.


18 January 2012

Thursday 01.18.2012

Gym day:

EMOTM for 8 min:

3X Back Squat (245#/185#)


Death by Pull-up (1 pull up on the first minute, 2 on second, 3 on third...etc.)


Clean-Thruster Complex (135#)
Complete a Clean and Jerk, then lower the bar down to shoulder and complete three more thrusters


5 RFT:
500 m Row
25 GHD Situps

Tabata pushups (8 Rnds)
If you cannot perform a pushup, do not rest by bending back. focus on good form and steady pace


Tabata Deadlift (225#/145#)
3-4 RNDS


Great Paleo Recipe sites for Good eats that don't stretch the limits of appetite:


What does everybody think of the Reebok's push into Crossfit?

Check out more at reebok.com/fitness

Here are some interesting facts about Reebok's foray into Crossfit (borrowed from Fitbomb):
  • In April, Reebok's opening "a combined gym and store location on Fifth Avenue in New York."
  • Reebok plans to "outfit shipping containers as mobile CrossFit gyms and deliver them to 50 locations around the world, as a means of encouraging people to try CrossFit."
  • "The Sport of Fitness Has Arrived" campaign will be Reebok's main marketing push for 2012, [Reebok marketing VP Viktoria] Wallner said. It will also highlight other Reebok products, such as RealFlex, ZigTech and EasyTone." (EasyTone? As part of "The Sport of Fitness Has Arrived" campaign? Really?)
I gotta be honest...how much of this is them trying to spread the sport, and how much is good marketing to get a foothold in on the sport? Ask yourself that, next time, before you drop the $60 on the WOD shorts.

17 January 2012


Work on ring dips/ 10 ring dips on the min every min for 8

3x Box Squats

Heavy Fran (15-12-9 Thrusters #135, Pull Ups)


16 January 2012

Tough Mudder, Phoenix, and more...

First and Foremost:

5 min Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushup, 15 squat)

10 Clean and Jerk (185#)

Now...the fun stuff
Check out our facebook page for all of the fun from the weekend.

Yeah, we killed it in Phoenix. Not sure how we qualified but definitely ask people who were there, and they will know who Nipples and Clams are.

The weekend was waaaayy sick and super functional. We had hipster adventures in the Land of Enchantment, learned a lot about the Security Forces AFSC, and the whole world saw how sexy our bods were. Mesa, if you are out there, we're not done...Round 2 to come

10 January 2012

Flight Simulator 1.10.2012

Warm Up

Planch Progression


3x5 Deadlift

WOD Opt Flight Simulator

5 unbroken double unders

10 unbroken double unders

















5 unbroken double unders

If you break, start the set all over

For those that cannot do double unders

5x(400m run, 20 box jumps)


Double Under Tutorial

Double Unders from Again Faster on Vimeo.

09 January 2012


“Greg Jennings”

AMRAP 20 min:

(Scale as appropriate)

10 Manmakers

30 Flutter kicks (4 count)

15 Box Jumps

10 ATBs

Alternate WOD:

6 x 400m sprints with 1:30 rest in between. There will be no meeting. This is an individual workout

08 January 2012


Warm Up- Skills Work

10 sec handstand hold on the min for 10 min



5 Min Amrap (5 #115 thrusters- 10 burpies)

Rest 5 Min

5 Min Amrap (5 Hang Power Clean #115- 5 Push Press #115)

Rest 5 Min

5 Min Amrap (5 #115 thrusters- 10 burpies)

Rest 5 Min

5 Min Amrap (5 Hang Power Clean #115- 5 Push Press #115)


20 min to do 3x5 back squats


Handstand tutorial

Overhead Mobility

Sunday 1.8.2012


If you really must:

5x50 double unders

Mobility work.
-dive bomber pushups
-slow air squats
-spiderman pushups

- finish out by rolling out your shoulders on the front and back sides

06 January 2012


Rest Day

Sir John Lubbock
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.

05 January 2012

Important Message

Cadets and friends:

Great things are coming to Crossfit USAFA. First and foremost, we need your dues to keep the box open! USAFA will match dollar for dollar what you pay, meaning your $20 will become $40 for the club meaning sweet new equipment and better facilities! Please help us out.

Second, the equipment will be changing. As soon as the squat racks are cleared out of the main room, new Oly lifting platforms will be built and the current pull-up bars will be transferred over to the other room.

Finally, actual classes taught by our Level I certified instructors and competition team members will begin next week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There are two classes a day--one at 3:45-4:45, and one from 7:30-8:30. If you are looking for a competitive environment to step up your level of performance, fun new workouts, and quality instruction to improve your skills, please come to one of our classes. Morning workouts will still be held as well.

As a final, final note, if you have any suggestions to this website, please contact me @ falconcrossfit@gmail.com. If you have questions on how to complete a movement, nutrition, equipment, mobility, or are looking for some new swag to WOD in, check out the links on the left sidebar.

Keep it classy,

Crossfit USAFA


Our morning workout tomorrow:

Meet at the fieldhouse at 0550 for:

Tabata 2 mile run:

20 second sprint

10 second rest