Seriously though...
2x30 sec KB swing (1.5 pd)
2x30 sec KB Snatch (1 L/1R)
2x30 sec KB figure 8 (1.5 Pd)
2 min Clean and Jerk 155#(count reps)
1 min rest
2 min As far as you can get
5 box jumps (30 in)
10 muscle-ups
15 Burpee-pull-ups
20 T2B
25 air squats
30 double unders
1 min rest
2 min Snatch (135#)
1 min rest
2 min max rounds of Mary:
10 Pistols
15 pull-ups
What did the Lion King teach me? I don't know...never give up on your dreams maybe? Never stop being a kid maybe? Based on the language that Rafiki speaks, I'm guessing that the movie takes place in Kenya or Mozambique...I'm not sure because when he speaks English he uses a Jamaican accent which initially led me to believe that he might actually be from Jamaica and immigrated to the Africas in the late 60s before all the dictators took over. Bottomline: the creepy baboon is actually just a happy dude, and you should be. Now if you are reading this and asking yourself "am I really reading this? Is this dude high off his ass or what?" Here's what I have for you: Did cavemen have marijuana? Is marijuana paleo? the answers to these questions according to paleontologists and nutritionists is NO. So get a life and be a kid and enjoy Lion King as its meant to be enjoyed. I really need to get out of here...36 days...too much Geopolitical knowledge for my own good. For the record, I do not condone the use of cannibis or any other controlled substance.
man, so i wanted to get my crossfit on and ended up on this dorky website. 38 days till what also? Your 10th birthday mr.lion king man. maybe one day when you can sit at the grownup table you will understand that marijuana is paleo by definition, because it comes straight from the ground. geez
By your logic, potatoes are paleo then right? peanuts are paleo right? beans are paleo right? I love clueless trolls who talk about stuff they have no business talking about. By the way, You are a NARP, grandpa...
Paleo=loser. Also, word of advice--stomping your feet before doing any lift is the key to eleetness, Great Grandpa
I acidentally hit send before finishing my name...this is akward
ok, cadets...
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