Home of the United States Air Force Academy CrossFit Team & Club

27 July 2012


Strength Day:
1) 3 Squat Snatches on the min for 10 min
2) 21-15-9 Back Squat- Rest 3 min between sets
3) 3 Shoulder Press on the min for 10 min
4) 10 min to work up to 3 rep max Bench Press
5) 5 weighted-strict pull-ups on the min for 10 min

*There is a lot of sub-maximal loading today, but there is a lot of volume. Expect to be devastatingly sore tomorrow so eat a steak, roll out, and do some light calisthenics tomorrow. 

**This should take no more than ONE HOUR so move quickly between exercises. By the end of the hour you will feel exhausted, just like after a metcon


Jennie Lanics said...

In a healthy body is a healthy mind you. So it is very important that we exercise

Team Hella

Steve said...

Really glad to see CrossFit taking hold in the US Military and that you guys are making that happen is great!

If you need any crossfit equipment, just let us know. All military get 10% off with coupon code "hooyah"

Thanks for your service and stay safe!

Manish Batra said...

Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Open Patella Knee Support

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