Home of the United States Air Force Academy CrossFit Team & Club

15 July 2012

  • ‎120716

    Barbell Work:
    3x3 Position Snatch on Min, Every Min for 10 min

    ... http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/exercise.php?exerciseID=65

    Notes: There are 90 or so squat snatches in this workout, so pick a pretty light weight. Its more about getting comfortable with the snatch movement than getting stronger.

    -3min max double unders- every time you break a set do 10 pull ups
    Rest 2 min
    -3 min max Toes To Bar- every time you break a set, do 10 push ups
    -Rest 2 min
    -3min max double unders- every time you break a set do 10 pull ups
    -Rest 2 min
    -3 min max Toes To Bar- every time you break a set, do 10 push ups

    Notes: It's a short metcon, but we will have a very hard running workout tomorrow. 1 Hour+ at the track.

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