Home of the United States Air Force Academy CrossFit Team & Club

27 July 2012


Strength Day:
1) 3 Squat Snatches on the min for 10 min
2) 21-15-9 Back Squat- Rest 3 min between sets
3) 3 Shoulder Press on the min for 10 min
4) 10 min to work up to 3 rep max Bench Press
5) 5 weighted-strict pull-ups on the min for 10 min

*There is a lot of sub-maximal loading today, but there is a lot of volume. Expect to be devastatingly sore tomorrow so eat a steak, roll out, and do some light calisthenics tomorrow. 

**This should take no more than ONE HOUR so move quickly between exercises. By the end of the hour you will feel exhausted, just like after a metcon

26 July 2012


1) 5 rounds for time
5 155lb thrusters
Max Effort double-unders
Rest :30

2) Angie (For time)
100pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

Notes: If you have a #20 vest, wear it

25 July 2012

  • ‎120725
    Thursday we have a double metcon and friday we have a strength day...but for now...

    200m run, 400m run, 600m run*, 800m run, 600m run, 400m run, 200m run**
    *For up the ladder (After the first 200, 400 and 600) do a 1:1 work rest ratio. Rest however long it takes you to do the previous interval

    **For down the ladder (After the 800, last 600, 400, and 200) do a 2:1 work rest ratio. Rest half as long as it takes you to do the previous interval

22 July 2012

  • 120723

    1 Squat Clean every :30 for 10 min

    ... Conditioning:

    1a) 3x Max Kettlebell Snatches #1.5pood
    1b) 3x Max Ring Dips

    2) 7x(14 1-arm Dumbell Clean and Jerks alternating arms*, Shuttle Sprint**, Rest***)

    *Use as high a weight possible that allows for no breaking
    **Run from the East side of the hallway to the fountain and back (100m), then to the far wall and back (200m)
    ***1:1 work:rest ratio. If it takes 1min to do the interval, rest 1 min

20 July 2012

  • ‎120719
    1x Shoulder press on :30 every :30 for 10 min

    Row 10x400m on the 3 min interval

17 July 2012

  • ‎120718

    This is our highest volume/hardest day of the week. Tomorrow is an active recovery day and Friday will be another tough day.

    ... 5x (21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls #115/65, 21 Ring Dips)
    Rest 3 min

    4x(20 pull ups, 30 push ups, 40 sit ups, 50 squats, rest 3 min)

  1. 120717

    Track Work:
    3x (Run 400m all out, rest 1 min, run 1000m)

    Rest enough to be fully recovered in between sets. You should be fresh for the 400m and fatigued for the 1000m

15 July 2012

  • ‎120716

    Barbell Work:
    3x3 Position Snatch on Min, Every Min for 10 min

    ... http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/exercise.php?exerciseID=65

    Notes: There are 90 or so squat snatches in this workout, so pick a pretty light weight. Its more about getting comfortable with the snatch movement than getting stronger.

    -3min max double unders- every time you break a set do 10 pull ups
    Rest 2 min
    -3 min max Toes To Bar- every time you break a set, do 10 push ups
    -Rest 2 min
    -3min max double unders- every time you break a set do 10 pull ups
    -Rest 2 min
    -3 min max Toes To Bar- every time you break a set, do 10 push ups

    Notes: It's a short metcon, but we will have a very hard running workout tomorrow. 1 Hour+ at the track.

10 July 2012

3 Front Squats on Min Every Min for 10 min (around 75% max)

Conditioning/ Endurance: 
3x 500m TT Row (all out efforts with unlimited rest)

...then 3x (2:00 of Burpies) with around 3 min of rest until recovered

Notes: These are all out sprint efforts so make sure your heart-rate and respiratory rate are adequately recovered before the next interval.

Don't worry about the lack of volume, you will get it tomorrow

09 July 2012


I haven't done a traditional amrap or rft in a while, but this is a really interesting pairing from the games programming. I guarantee that this combo will surprise you.

Also, I would like to point out that my programming over the last couple of weeks looks strikingly similar to the team portion of the CrossFit games programming. Hmmmmmmm...

AMRAP in 12
5 315# Deadlifts
10 Overhead Squats #95
15 Pull Ups

4:800m run on 6 min interval

Notes: Every 6 min start a new interval. First one should start at 0:00, next at 6:00, next at 12:00 and final one at 18:00

04 July 2012


Work on stuff you are bad at for at least 10 min

Notes: Handstand Walks/Push Ups/Holds...L-Sits...Ring Work...ext. 

5 min amrap Burpie/Sprint Wall Jumps
Rest 5 min
5 min amrap Burpie/Sprint Wall Jumps
Rest 3 Min
3 min amrap (5xDumbell Snatch #100, 20 air squats)
1 min rest
3 min amrap (5x Dumbell Snatch #100, 20 air squats)

Notes: Find a wall about chest height. Do a 20m sprint to the wall, perform a burpie and jump over the wall. Run 20m from the wall and 20m back then perform a burpie and climb over the wall ext. 

There is nowhere to hide on these workouts. You should be moving constantly for all the amraps, they are all out sprints