Home of the United States Air Force Academy CrossFit Team & Club

13 December 2011

Done for the year

Hey all,

Finals are over, and so is the semester. I'm heading home, as I'm sure most of our cadets are. Have a safe and happy holidays, and remember to do your burpees ;). Actually, if you want WODs, feel free to contact me @ our email--falconcrossfit@gmail.com or contact one of our L1 certified instructors, MSgt Kiewicz, Garrett Dean, or Chris Fabian.


10 December 2011

Satruday 10 Dec 2011

Go Ruck...3-5 mi, 10 min pace, 30#/20#

08 December 2011

T40...8 Dec 2011

Last day of schoool!!!!!!!

Get ready for this kick-ass chipper:

Warm-up: Find 1RM Thruster
Find 3RM Jerk

10 handstand pushups
15 shoulder to overhead (115#/75#)
20 box jumps (24/20)
25 pull-ups
30 double unders
35 burpees
40 thruster (45#)

Cool down:
5 rnds of Tabata hand release pushups



Ground to overhead (95#)
4-count mountain climbers

06 December 2011

6 December 2011

We are BACK!!!

Here's a one to start us off:


4 Burpees EMOTM until this is complete:
20xPush Jerk
20xFront Squat

After that:
5x3 DL @ 70% max

Cash out:
Tabata wall ball shots/burpees (3 RNDs each)

Make sure you stretch, and get your Holiday spirit on!!

05 December 2011


We're currently dealing with some administrative issues with box use at this time. That's why WODs haven't been posted for about a week now. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working hard to get the box re-opened within the next couple of days.
