Home of the United States Air Force Academy CrossFit Team & Club
29 March 2010
30 Mar - Helen
3 Rounds for time
400 meter sprint
21 x 50lb dumbbell swing (will discuss scaling in morning)
12 x Pull-ups
Sub 10 minutes will get you into the "elite" club, while 15 minutes is probably the community average.
Here is a video for motivation
18 March 2010
March 18th: The Spring Breaking Part Deux
-100 ea in-cadence squats
-30 sec diamond push ups + 30 secs regular push ups + 30 seconds wide push ups
-45 dips on the bleachers in cadence
West Gym (in partners)
-18 ea towel pull-ups (6 regular, 6 side, 6 side) ; 20 push-ups for breaks in sets; partner 50 box jumps, then plank; switch
-65 rocky sit ups—feet interlocked with partner
-100 ea 4 count flutter kick, partner wall sit; switch
-12 pull-up/burpees; partner tabata squats; switch
-5 handstand push-ups/handstand hold; partner crabwalk down and back; switch
Center Gym (individually)
-shuttle run length of gym
-1 min bicycle
-towel buddy drag length of gym; switch
-1 min clock push-ups
-lateral shuffle to half court, sprint remainder; lateral shuffle to half court, sprint remainder
-20 towel shoulder extensions; switch
-20 partner resisted/assisted diamond push-ups
Looked like most teams finished around the 40 min mark. For those that embarked, feel justified in wearing your bad-A shark's tooth neckless on Spring Break.
16 March 2010
March 16th: Sink or Swim III: Tread or Dead
Here's a synopsis of the workout:
2-person team
5 rounds of:
#1 swims a lap while #2 treads water: switch
#1 does 60 reps total of: squat, push up, dips, or sit up while #2 treads; switch
Most completed between 18-22 min mark.
Then 2 each 4 man relay cooldowns. Congrats to the victors!
10 March 2010
March 11th: Lappity-Do
This WOD:
This will be a sprint/work combo. You will do 30 reps each of three excercises---but with this catch: you can only do 15 reps (of any excercise combo) after a lap. Intent is to keep you running/moving/working.
Excercises: Burpee, L-pull up, Jump lunges (left leg, then right is 1)
For time:
15 reps
15 reps
15 reps
15 reps
15 reps
15 reps
With the time remaining, we'll do some relay races.....we will not tie our legs together, however.
08 March 2010
9 MAR - Squattin' Diane
Tomorrow’s workout is a challenging combination between last week's main site WOD and “Diane” within a fast paced conga line. This should be a good challenge.
Overhead Squat (45lb-115lb bar)
Handstand Pushups (sub w/ a press if can’t do more than 7 when fresh)
Line up the team and send the first athlete in to do dumbbell deadlift. Once complete, the athlete steps forward, performs overhead squat, and goes into aerobics room to do handstand pushups. As the first athlete leaves the dumbbells, the second athlete steps to the dumbbells and follows the conga line. Again, there is no swapping of order during the workout only coaching/pushing the person in front of you.